====== Preventative Medicine ====== ==== Lung Cancer ==== * Patients who are: * Age 55-80 * 30 pack-year smoking history * current smoking or quit in last 15 years * Annual LDCT until quit for 15 years or new health condition significantly reducing life expectancy/treatment options * [[https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/UpdateSummaryFinal/lung-cancer-screening|Grade B, updated 2013]] ==== Aspirin for primary prevention of CVD/CRC ==== * Recommended for patients (Grade B): * Aged 50-59 * ASCVD 10-year risk >= 10% * Not increased risk for bleeding * Life expectancy 10+ years * Willing to take for 10+ years * Recommended for patients (Grade C): * Aged 60-69 * ASCVD 10-year risk >= 10% * Not increased risk for bleeding * Life expectancy 10+ years * Willing to take for 10+ years * Insufficient evidence for patients under 50 and over 70 * [[https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/UpdateSummaryFinal/aspirin-to-prevent-cardiovascular-disease-and-cancer|Updated 2016]] ===== Bacteruria ===== * Asymptomatic pregnant women ===== Blood pressure ===== * Adults 18+ ===== Breast cancer ===== * Women with: * a personal or family history: * breast * ovarian * tubal, or * peritoneal cancer * Women who have an ancestry associated with breast cancer susceptibility 1 and 2 (BRCA1/2) gene mutations should screen with appropriate brief familial risk assessment tool; if positive, receive genetic counseling and possibly tests (Grade B, August 2019)