Ophtho Abbreviations
- OD: Right eye
- OS: Left eye
- OU: Both eyes
- AT: artificial tears
- AMD: age-related macular degeneration
- DR: diabetic retinopathy (PDR = proliferative, NPDR = non-proliferative)
- BRAO: branch retinal artery occlusion
- BRVO: branch retinal vein occlusion
- C/D: cup-to-disc ratio
- CEIOL: cataract extraction with insertion of intraocular lens
- CME: cystoid macular edema
- CRAO: central retinal artery occlusion
- CRVO: central retinal vein occlusion
- CSME: clinically significant macular edema
- CS: cortical spoking (cataract)
- CSR: central serous retinopathy
- CWS: cotton-wool spot
- DBH: dot blood hemorrhage
- DES: dry eye syndrome
- DME: diabetic macular edema
- ERM: epiretinal membrane
- HVF: Humphrey visual field
- K: cornea
- LPI: laser peripheral iridotomy
- NS: nuclear sclerosis (cataract)
- NVG: neovascular glaucoma
- NVS: not visually significant
- OD: right eye
- OHTN: ocular hypertension
- OS: left eye
- OU: both eyes
- POAG: primary open angle glaucoma
- PCO: posterior capsular opacity (aka, secondary cataract)
- PPV: pars plana vitrectomy
- PRP: pan retinal photocoagulation
- PSC: posterior subcapsular cataract
- PTG: pterygium
- PVD: posterior vitreous detachment
- RAPD: relative afferent pupillary defect
- RRD: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
- RT: retinal tear
- SB: scleral buckle
- SRD: serous retinal detachment
- TRD: tractional retinal detachment
- VA: visual acuity
- VH: vitreous hemorrhage
- VS: visually significant
- WNL: within normal limits
- XT: exotropia
- YAG cap: YAG capsulotomy
shared/ophtho/abbreviations.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 01:22 by